Now that we are almost 1/2 way through January, we would like to wish you all a Happy New Year.
So far this year has been filled with fun things ~ Rearranging furniture, playing in the snow, another Christmas Party and lots of new fun toys to play with.
The boys went to the doctor a few weeks ago and are doing great.
Jakob is in the 90th percentile. He is 36 1/2" tall and 32 lbs. He is doing great. We are in the process of debating about sending him for some Speech Therapy to help out his talking a bit. We have not decided what to do on that yet. Every week he is saying a few more things.
Ethan is doing well also. He is still a little peanut in the 5th percentile. He is 27 3/4" tall and weighs 18 lbs and 3 ozs. He will be on 1 on Friday, however still to little to turn his car seat around. He is still in the baby carrier. He is starting to eat table food and loves it. Hopefully his weight will be catching up soon.
Happy New Year!
All our Love,
Rick, Mandi, Jakob & Ethan