This summer has been a great summer. The weather was hot and beautiful. We enjoyed hours at the cottage in the lake and on the boat.
Jakob is wearing his glasses more. He went to the doctor for his 3 month check up after his glasses and we have made a little progress It is very important that he wears them but it is very trying. We have had them back several times to be fixed already. Jakob has a couple back teeth coming in and has been fairly healthy. He recently had an ear infection, but is almost over that. He loves to swim in the lake and the pool. He got a new tractor for his birthday that he loves to ride. Pictures will come soon. Jakob is saying many more words and seems to learn new ones everyday. I can't believe he is going to be 3 tomorrow. Jakob doesn't really like to eat much, but when he does watch out. He loves hot dogs and cheese. Occasionally we can get a vegetable in him, but very limited.
Ethan is growing like a weed. He is still a peanut but he is getting much taller. He was just at the doctor and weighs 23 lbs at 19 months. He has graduated to the 10% percentile for weight and 25th% for height. He has just recently added 2 more teeth to his collection. He also has been pretty healthy. He seems to be favoring his left hand so he maybe a lefty. He loves to play basketball and baseball. Ethan is saying many more words as well. He is trying to keep up with Jakob and is doing pretty well, however I don't think he comprehends all of it. Ethan is a great eater. He really likes gummy worms and M&M's for treats. He also likes his peas.
The boys are doing great and love to play outside.
We have spent many weekends at the cottage with family and friends. We went to the Tractor Pulls, Horse Show and Farm night this summer. Mom is really branching out into the country.
Loved Summer, but excited for Fall to see all the new changes in nature and the boys.
Good Bye Summer, Hello Fall.
Rick, Mandi, Jakob & Ethan