Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Jakob's 18 Month Pictures at the Park!

I have been waiting to get Jakob's 18 month pictures and yesterday at the park was the perfect day. We made it a picture day. Enjoy.
Jakob is starting to show Ethan more attention. He wants to hold him often. So yesterday I let him. In the big bean bag he held him.

It didn't last long.
Ethan is really getting big. Can't wait to take him to the doctor on Wednesday.
Here are the 18 month pictures of Jakob.
Jakob loves to look at his reflection and follow his shadow. This is our reflection in the side of my truck. The picture turned out too cool to not include it. See his hand on the left side. He is reaching for his reflection.
Hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather the past couple of days. It really makes us think that spring is on the way.
Gotta Go,
Rick, Mandi, Jakob & Ethan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My precious little boys. I love you so much - you are growing so fast and so strong. I pray everyday that God will bless you and keep you safe and in His care. I love you all.