Friday, July 11, 2008

Congressman Pete Hoekstra & I!

I went to work with my mom this morning. It was a special day at Quality. Congressman Pete Hoekstra was pumping gas for customers and talking with customers about the economy, gas prices, fun things like that. Here is Congressman Pete Hoeskstra, my mom & I.
Here I wanted to get down and crawl in the parking lot.
Mom says she has to catch you all up on lots of information. She has been very tired this week and will post later tonight all the information. I'm crawling! She has video to prove it.
Have a fun day.
Love, Jakob.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Trying to get his political career off to an early start? With all his talking and jabbering, he's definitely a good candidate. With his good looks, he's a charmer!