"No Cameras Please, I'm in Concert!"
Another fun summer weekend.
More pictures soon!
All my love - Jakob
And Here's Mom:
I went to the doctor today. It was my 1st appointment with my new doctor. I really like her alot. We listen to the heart beat today. She said it is about 160 beats. Not that really means anything today. Other than it was a very strong heart beat. She said that the "grandmas" would say that means it is a girl. Who knows. We will find out soon enough. I didn't have an ultrasound today, so she is sticking with a due date of Feb 18 for right now.
I also have more news to share with you that my friend Jill is also pregnant. Ted & Jill were the couple that went with us to Ethiopia and picked up 2 daughters. We met for the 1st time just before we went to Ethiopia. They live about 2 miles from us and now we are pregnant at the same time. How fun. If you think that is exciting. Our due date is within days of each other. Maybe we will be at the hospital together too.
Otherwise life is good. Starting to feel a little better. Enjoying summer and loving Jakob.
Have a great night.
Lots of Love,
Mandi & Rick (Jakob too)
Awe - how cute is that. I'm sure daddy would love having to attend piano concerts in large, dark concert halls:) Maybe there's something in the water in Zeeland?
Love you all,
Cute pictures, I can't WAIT to get him a drum set for Christmas!
If you wanna hop on over to my blog (there's an open bar and a hot waiter)I have an award for ya'.
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