Thursday, January 22, 2009

Home At Last!

Last night went well! Jakob slept great, Ethan not so much. Mom got about 4 hours of interuppted sleep. Hoping for maybe 4 1/2 tonight. :-). Overall we are doing good. Jakob is adjusting well. Today he tried to kiss Ethan it was very cute. No pics of that, Hands full making sure he only kissed him and nothing else. Grandma and GG were over today to play and help out.
Here are a few photos of the past week. Jakob has his own swing at GG's house. He loves it.
Grandpa came to the hospital to see Ethan. Mom had to sneek in the picture.
Jakob at Grandma's house. Just running around.
We gave Ethan a bath at the hospital before we headed home.
It really woke him up.
Here is my hand compared to the size of Ethan's body.
Aunt Mary came to visit before we came home.
Everyone is doing great. I am hoping to get some more pictures of Jakob and Ethan together. It is difficult to get Jakob to sit at all. Hopefully over the weekend.
Thank you for all the prayers, we appreciate all the love and support.
Rick, Mandi, Jakob & Ethan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Everyone - saw the pics at work today but was unable to write back. Love the updated photos. Ethan is changing so much so fast and Jakob just keeps getting cuter every day. We love them so much - it's quiet at home but very difficult to be away from all of you. See you soon!