Friday, April 18, 2008

Doctor's Appointment Update!

Sorry that we did not have time to post last night. It was a busy day and Jakob was a bit fussy from his shots.

Jakob received 4 shots normal routine babys shots. He has to go again in 30 days for the next set.

His congestion is a combinations of Pneumonia, Influenza, Strep, etc. Everything tested postive on the nose swab. He has is now on an antibiotic for it. Should clear up in about 10 days.

His rash no idea what it is from. Currently figuring it is from THE CHANGE!! Climate, Water, Food, O2, etc, etc. We have a cream for the bad spots. We are going to let his body adjust and put cream on the bad spots.

The "small red blood cells" currently diagnosed as Low Iron, so we have an iron supplement for him to take. The new formula should help bring that up as well.

His TB test Positive! We have to go for a Chest X-ray when his congestion clears up. He was exposed to it in the orphanage, but doesn't show any signs that he has it. Also it can't be passed by babies, so no need to worry for any of you.

Everything came back very good.
I checked online and according to the US charts he is 25 - 50 % bracket, so not bad at all.
We didn't get any pictures, because he was sleeping and then we had to wake him for shots, so he wasn't too happy about that.

Next appointment for shots is on May 15.
No big plans for the weekend, just working.

Thank you everyone for all your prayers and support. I will let you know the results of the TB test when the Xrays are done as well.

See you soon,
All our love,
Rick, Mandi & Jakob

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update - I really appreciate getting the information in writing - I tend to confuse things when I repeat stories.
Love you all,